Face Lift

Face Lift Beirut Dubai
Face Lift can’t stop the aging process but it can certainly give you a more youthful appearance in a variable degree, improving the most visible signs of aging by removing fat excess, tightening underlying muscles, and redraping the skin of your face and neck.
Dr. Nassar sees the success of this surgery when your face matches your age.
The cervicofacial lift (LCF) is a face and neck lift designed to reposition the various elements of aging or aged face (skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles “platysma” and SMAS, deep fat) therefore you will obtain a long lasting natural result.
The Cervicofacial Lift is in general an easy practice from the age of forty, but in reality, aging is variable from one person to another depending on the nature of the skin, the bone structure of the face, sun exposure, smoking, and especially heredity.
Face-lift indications:
  • Fat deposits or folds around the neck (“turkey neck”)
  • Loose skin and excess fatty deposits, resulting in a double chin
  • Sagging of the face and/or neck
  • Sagging in the midface
  • Loss of muscle tone in the lower face, creating jowls
  • Increase or marking of nasolabial folds
  • Sad facial appearance
The best candidate for Facelift is a man or woman whose face and neck started to sag, but whose skin still has some elasticity and bone structure is strong and well defined.
A Facelift can make you look younger and fresher; it may also enhance your appearance. If you feel young, this procedure can help make you look as good as you feel.
The face-lift is done under local anesthesia + sedation in an outpatient clinic, or under general anesthesia if you desire that.
Dr. Nassar tightens the excess muscle by an incision inside and behind the ear without separating the skin from the muscle.
In addition, Dr. Nassar sculpts the jaw and the neck by removing the fat excess and the skin excess then places the stitches in a hidden place inside and behind the ear.
A supportive dressing is often applied.
A supportive dressing is applied around the face, in order to minimize swelling and bruising for 12 hours.
The recovery period is 5-7 days.
After swelling and bruising improves, the Facelift Results start to appear. Incisions are discrete, hidden between the hairline and the natural lines of the face. Day by day, your face will begin to look better and your confidence will improve.
Nowadays we don’t see bruising and swelling in the post-operative period due to the muscular lifting. We don’t separate the skin from muscles, thus the result is 100 percent natural, lasts around 10 to 15 years, no vessels damage occur, no edema and no bruising.
It is important to ask Dr. Nassar everything you would like to know about the procedure before going through it.
Dr. Nassar is considered as a reference in his specialty and in this particular procedure that demands a lot of precision, experience, and a refined taste.
Dr. Nassar considers face-lift surgery one of his favorite procedures because it represents a challenge for him and it shows the strength of the surgeon in this field.
It is also extremely important to follow our instructions to ensure the best results. Incisions should not be subjected to excessive force, abrasion or motion during the healing process. You should also avoid wearing clothes that go over your head during the first day.
For Long-Lasting Results, it is strongly recommended to use life-long sun protection. The protection is important to minimize photo-aging and sun damage, helping to maintain facelift results.
A Face Lift procedure can be done alone, or along with other procedures such as Blepharoplasty.
Heavy smokers are not allowed to go through this kind of surgery, thus you have to quit smoking 2 weeks before the surgery, or reduce the number of cigarettes per day.
Always be aware to stop your anti-coagulant medicament 10 days before any surgery after the agreement of your cardiologist.