Neck Lift

Neck Lift Beirut Dubai

Your neck is one of the first places that show your real age. Neck Lift removes excess sagging skin under your jaw line and your neck. Neck lift causes the platysma muscle of your neck to be adjusted and tightened.

There are two kinds of neck wrinkles:

- Vertical wrinkles            and         - horizontal wrinkles.


Vertical wrinkles are due to sagging muscles that can be removed by muscle tightening. On the other hand horizontal wrinkles are treated by skin tightening behind the ear.

• Double chin
• Turkey neck or turkey wattle
• Neck wrinkles

Dr. Nassar will assess the amount of fat excess or loose skin in your neck area as well as the quality of your skin and muscle tone.

The Neck Lift is done under sedation and local anesthesia in our hospital as a day clinic procedure.

There are two Neck Lift methods:

1. Neck Lipolaser:
If you only have excess fat under your chin or along your jaw line, Chin Liposuction alone may be enough to enhance the appearance of your neck, and by using the laser technique you may tighten the skin excess, and bring back the harmony between the face and the neck.

2. Neck surgery:
Dr. Nassar makes an incision behind the ear, then loosens the skin and redrapes it before removing any skin excess and tightens the sagging muscle to improve the look of the neck and throat area. Once the neck lift is completed, Dr. Nassar will close your incisions with aesthetic sutures. You will have a pressure dressing wrapped around the top of your head to underneath your chin for 12 hours.

3. Mini Neck Lift:
It is a minor procedure that takes 15 minutes under local anesthesia. It defines your jaw line by lifting the platisma muscle through an incision of 3 cm hidden behind the ear.
This procedure is used for the cases where the sagging is still in its early stages.

4. Lifting neck without surgery:
Dr. Nassar in some cases can use a special thread to lift a wild excess of your skin. It is a simple procedure that takes minutes and result lasts 1-2 years.