Gum Surgery

Gum Surgery Beirut Dubai
  • Esthetic of the smile depends not only on the shape, position and color of the teeth but also on the harmonious color and architecture of the gum during smiling.
  • We can provide you an esthetic pink, healthy and harmonious gum reflecting an ideal esthetic smile with gum peeling and gum lifting
  • Gum peeling

If you have a colored gum we can assure you a pink, healthy gum with painless laser treatment without any inconvenience

Gum lifting
Esthetic of the smile depends also on the harmonious architecture of the gum level while smiling. By correcting the gingival level we can reduce the gum display during smiling as we can correct the ideal tooth proportion just with laser treatment or surgical treatment depending on the case.

For further information about Gum Surgery in Beirut Lebanon, please do not hesitate to contact us