
Vaginoplasty Beirut Dubai

The Vaginal Rejuvenation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance sexual gratification. The surgery is a combination of both procedures:

  • Vaginoplasty
  • Labiaplasty
  • Vaginoplasty is the most common Female Genital Plastic Surgery procedure.
    It resurfaces and tightens tissues to reclaim the youthful appearance and function of the vulvar and vaginal area.

Vaginoplasty is the aesthetic enhancement of vulvar structure utilizing laser surgery technique or surgical tightening.

Usually it can be associated with:

  • The external lips (labia majora)
  • The internal lips (labia minora)
  • Hymen (hymenoplasty)
  • G-SPOT enhancement

It is for women who feel that aesthetic enhancement of their vulvar or vaginal anatomy would improve their sexual self- image thereby increasing sexual enjoyment lost due to the effects of:

  • Childbirth
  • Aging
  • Trauma
  • Genetics
  • Weight loss

The vaginal tissue and surrounding muscles can become stretched and lose their strength and tone. The dissatisfaction felt by many women is also felt by their male partner during intercourse.

This Vaginoplasty will effectively enhance muscle tone, strength and control. It will also effectively decrease the internal and external vaginal diameters as well as tighter opening and vaginal canal. The tightening is done in the entire length of the vagina or part of it depending on the case.

Vaginoplasty is an outpatient procedure usually performed under local anesthesia and takes half an hour. We usually advise few days of rest and relax.
You can go back to your job very soon and return to sexual activity 4 weeks after the surgery.

The end result will be a vaginal anatomy with more youthful look, as in pre-pregnancy state, with a pleasing appearance, much better intimate life and of course a more increased self-confidence.
Generally, anyone in average physical condition or good health can be a candidate for Vaginoplasty Surgery.